Disabilities and Accessibility

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Website Creation with Accessibility in Mind

W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Checklist

Web Accessibility in Mind’s WEBAIM page has many tutorials and evaluation tools.

WEBAIM’s WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation tool) examines websites for accessibility features. It looks at section headings, color contrast, links, alt text, etc. and provides suggestions for improvement.

Color-Hex isn’t strictly a tool for accessibility, but gives different shades and tints related to a color. If WAVE says you need to increase color contrast, Color-Hex can help you balance your aesthetic preferences with the contrast necessary for accessibility.

Accesssify’s Accessible Table Builder helps you quickly make html tables that are accessible to screen readers.

Resources for Library Workers

ASCLA’s Library Accessibility Tipsheets offer tips to help library workers understand and manage access issues across a range of accessibility issues.

ASCLA’s Think Accessibile Before You Buy provides questions to ask before purchasing electronic resources.

Please also see the above section on website creation with accessibility in mind.